New award announcement – the Philip Rahtz Award

Posted On: March 3rd, 2013

The Philip Rahtz Award for the best postgraduate dissertation in medieval archaeology

The Philip Rahtz Award will be made annually to the postgraduate (taught Masters) dissertation that makes the most original contribution to the study of medieval archaeology (from AD c.400 to c.1600), submitted to a United Kingdom or Republic of Ireland university.

The prize is intended for students studying for a taught postgraduate Masters qualification, in which a dissertation of no more than c. 20, 000 words is submitted as part of the coursework (NB students studying for a Scottish undergraduate degree that results in an MA qualification should be considered for the John Hurst dissertation prize; this Philip Rahtz Award is not intended for the theses produced during a research Masters (such as MPhil or MRes) in which the bulk of the assessment comprises a single, longer dissertation). If you have any questions about the eligibility of potential candidates please contact Prof. Hadley (

Each institution is invited to submit the dissertation of their best candidate who completed their degree in the calendar year 2012 to Prof. Dawn Hadley by April 1st 2013. The dissertations will be read by a panel made up of the Society’s Council members. The winner will be offered £250 and free attendance at the Society’s annual conference in September at which the award will be made. The other short-listed candidates will be commended.

Please send the dissertation as a PDF by email attachment or on a disk to:

Prof. Dawn Hadley
Honorary Secretary of the Society for Medieval Archaeology
Department of Archaeology
University of Sheffield
Northgate House
S1 4ET

For information about all of our awards and prizes, please go to our website and visit